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280 lines
* WICONCUTTER A companion utility to wIconSetter and wIconify.
* wIconCutter lets you select a section of any screen
* and creates a wIconSetter icon file using the selected
* bitmap as the icon's image.
* Copyright 1990 by Davide P. Cervone, all rights reserved.
* You may use this code, provided this copyright notice is kept intact.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <graphics/rastport.h>
#include "Frame.h"
char *program = "wIconCutter";
char *version = "v1.1";
char *copyright = "Copyright (c) 1990 by Davide P. Cervone";
char *usage =
"wIconCutter [IMAGE | SELECT] [MASK] [APPEND] [PLANES n] file";
#ifdef MANX
#define ERROR errno
#define ERROR _OSERR
extern long fopen();
extern long ERROR;
static char *FileName; /* the output file name */
static long OutFile; /* the output file handle */
static char *Hex = "0123456789abcdef)!@#$%^&*(ABCDEF";
#define MAXHEX 32
#define MAXLINE 132
static int AppendIt; /* TRUE if appending to the output file */
static int ImageType; /* which type of image is being created */
#define CUT_IMAGE 1
#define CUT_SELECT 2
#define CUT_MASK 4
#define ARGMATCH(s) (stricmp(argv[0],s) == 0)
* ParseArguments()
* Set the function to framing
* While there are more arguements to consider
* Get the next one
* If it is an image type, add it to the type to be produced
* Otherwise if it is APPEND, set the append flag
* Otherwise if it is PLANES,
* Get a bit-plane mask
* Otherwise, if no filename has been given use it as a file name
* Otherwise, give an error and show usage
* If no file was specified, give an error and show usage
* return the function to be performed
int ParseArguments(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int function = FRAME_IT;
long mask;
while (--argc > 0)
if (ARGMATCH("IMAGE")) ImageType |= CUT_IMAGE; else
if (ARGMATCH("SELECT")) ImageType |= CUT_SELECT; else
if (ARGMATCH("MASK")) ImageType |= CUT_MASK; else
if (ARGMATCH("APPEND")) AppendIt = TRUE; else
if (argc >= 2 && (sscanf(argv[1],"%lx",&mask) == 1))
PlaneMask = mask;
} else {
printf("PLANES requires a hex value\n");
function = JUST_EXIT;
argc--; argv++;
} else
if (FileName == NULL) FileName = argv[0]; else
printf("Unrecognized parameter '%s'\n",argv[0]);
function = SHOW_USAGE;
if (FileName == NULL)
printf("Missing file specification\n");
function = SHOW_USAGE;
* WriteHeading()
* Write the comments at the top of the file that identify the file and
* the creating program.
static void WriteHeading()
fprintf(OutFile,"/*\n * %s\n *\n",FileName);
fprintf(OutFile," * An Icon Created by %s %s\n */\n",program,version);
* WriteBitMap()
* For each row of the bitmap
* And each column of each row
* Get the pen color of the pixel at that position
* Save the pixel value as a HEX digit in the output line
* End the line and print it to the output file
static void WriteBitMap(theRPort)
struct RastPort *theRPort;
short h,w;
short Width = (theWidth < MAXLINE)? theWidth: MAXLINE;
int pen;
char Line[MAXLINE];
for (h=0; h<theHeight; h++)
for (w=0; w<Width; w++)
pen = ReadPixel(theRPort,w,h) % MAXHEX;
Line[w] = Hex[pen];
Line[w] = 0;
fprintf(OutFile,"\n ");
* WriteMask()
* Write the MASK command to the file
* For each row of the bitmap
* And each column of each row
* Get the pen color of the pixel at that position
* If it is non-zero, put a '1' in the line, otherwise a '0'
* End the line and print it to the file
static void WriteMask(theRPort)
struct RastPort *theRPort;
short h,w;
short Width = (theWidth < MAXLINE)? theWidth: MAXLINE;
int pen;
char Line[MAXLINE];
for (h=0; h<theHeight; h++)
for (w=0; w<Width; w++)
pen = ReadPixel(theRPort,w,h);
if (pen) Line[w] = Hex[1]; else Line[w] = Hex[0];
Line[w] = 0;
fprintf(OutFile,"\n ");
* WriteImage()
* Write the IMAGE command to the file, then print the image data
static void WriteImage(theRPort)
struct RastPort *theRPort;
* WriteSelect()
* WRite the SELECT command to the file, then write the image data
static void WriteSelect(theRPort)
struct RastPort *theRPort;
* WriteIcon()
* If we are appending to the file,
* Open the file for appending (error if we can't)
* Otherwise
* Open the file for writing (error if we can't)
* And write the heading
* Initialize a RastPort to use the copied BitMap.
* Write the IMAGE, SELECT, and MASK data that have been requested.
* Close the file
static void WriteIcon()
struct RastPort theRPort;
if (AppendIt)
OutFile = fopen(FileName,"a");
if (OutFile == NULL)
DoExit("Can't Append '%s' - Error: %ld",FileName,ERROR);
} else {
OutFile = fopen(FileName,"w");
if (OutFile == NULL)
DoExit("Can't Create '%s' - Error: %ld",FileName,ERROR);
theRPort.BitMap = &theBitMap;
if (ImageType & CUT_IMAGE) WriteImage(&theRPort);
if (ImageType & CUT_SELECT) WriteSelect(&theRPort);
if (ImageType & CUT_MASK) WriteMask(&theRPort);
fclose(OutFile); OutFile = NULL;
* UseFrame()
* If no image type was specified, assume IMAGE
* Write the icon to the file
void UseFrame(function)
int function;
if (ImageType == 0) ImageType = CUT_IMAGE;
* DoUseExit()
* The only cleanup needed here is closing the file if it is open.
* The rest of the cleanup is done by Frame itself.
void DoUseExit()
if (OutFile) fclose(OutFile);